These morons are already declaring “America’s Decline is OVER!” The irony is that they don’t have a good vision for this country. Theirs is one of a depraved “late stage capitalist” nightmare. Pretty soon you won’t be able to own things anymore. They’re going to tell you it’s for your own good. They’re going to tell you it makes commodities cheaper. They’re lying. It makes commodities more profitable for them to sell, and the moment they secure their place as the monopoly they’re going to rug you. They’re going to jack prices up to where any value you may have seen is entirely gone. That’s how they get you. They rob you blind and tell you it’s for your own good, and since they’ve worked so hard to destroy the education system, you don’t fucking question it. You goddamn sheep. Seriously. Quit letting people tell you how to think and feel about very disgusting situations. Stop just eating the shit they produce by the fistful. It’s not worth it. None of it is worth it.
God I hate late stage capitalism.