A system of cells interlinked within cells interlinked within cells interlinked within one stem… And dreadfully distinct against the dark, a tall white fountain played.

Obvious Blade Runner fan if you couldn’t tell. I think I finally have a handle on this blog again. It only took me yet another eternity. What a wild journey, though. From Wordpress to Jekyl to Hugo. I’ve used all manner of text editors, including notepad and even a weird Android text editor. I’m not super happy with the present theme, but I think I’m happy enough to not fuck with it for a minute. I might give that ‘reTerminal’ theme another whack at some point. That’ll be a ways out, I think. The one thing I wish this theme had that other themes do would be at least a summary or small snippet of each post body on the main page. Currently it’s just a line-by-line of topics. It’s okay, but I would prefer at least some 100 or so characters of each post were wedged in there somewhere.

Well, this is it. Once I get through this week I’ll have a solid chunk of time off. That’ll be mostly nice. Sure, it always segues into uncomfortable socializing because holidays, but I guess it’s still better than awkwardly socializing with customers. I really need the time off to recharge my batteries, if there are even batteries left to recharge. I guess we’ll see.

My job is widlly boring when I don’t have a large project to work on. Being that it’s the holidays, or quite close anyways, people don’t really want to start anything big until January at the soonest. I don’t blame them, either. New year, new budget.

Blah. Well, I guess I better get back to it.