The holidays are drawing nigh. You’d think that massive loads of time off would be the most joyous event in my life, at least if you knew me. But it’s a dual-edge sword. Yes, the time off is fantastic. No, what we’re expected to do with that time off is absolutely infinitely less than fantastic. It’s actually bullshit when you think critically about it. Yet if that expectation didn’t exist we wouldn’t get that time off. They’re inextricably linked and also polar opposites. I dunno. It’s all kinda just bullshit to me.

I’ve been trying to read Blood Meridian for a while. It’s not exactly what you would call “hard” reading. It’s actually utterly beautiful, but I do find a challenge in relating to the characters. Society isn’t now what it once was. I can relate to a western reprobate about as easily as I could a Roman soldier. The chapters I’ve read so far are quite incredible. It’s one of those books that picks up its flaws and shows them to you like a child reveling in a favorite drawing, gladly displaying all the cracks and imperfections as though they’re the main event. It’s also pretty light on the imperfections.

I still don’t know how that book is in any way related to gnosticism. I’m pretty sure I had found it on a goodreads list or two related to gnosticism.

Well, I guess that’s enough reflection for now. Kind of excited to have some free time here soon to unleash some stuff in my brain.