Was staring at this damn thing recently and realized that I need yet another “proof of life” post, because why not? I have the space, I might as well use the space. So here’s my latest “proof of life” rant.

And rant is exactly what I mean. I don’t really have a point with this post outside of letting people know I still exist. I guess I could fabricate a point.

Have you seen the crazy bullshit in the media lately? Yes, I like to break up writing with a pointless rhetorical interjection once in a while. Don’t judge me. I’m also all over the place, sorry not sorry. But my mind is really blown about this specific piece of news. The government can now destroy any speech it designates as “terrorist”. I hope this law gets absolutely obliterated by the Supreme Court. Of course, I can hope in one hand and shit in the other, and am painfully aware of which hand will fill up first.

It just sucks to come face to face with the end of free speech in the United States. Rest in Peace first amendment, we hardly knew yee.