I've Taken Shits Less Offensive Than Donald Trump
I’ve taken shits less offensive than Donald Trump. And, let me be clear here; not a single one of them could ever be described as “rosy”. The reality is that the right has settled on advancing an individual as “our guy”, who is a lecherous billionaire who has zero concern for the people of his country. Fuck Donald Trump. Voting for Trump is a really effective way to communicate how much of a selfish cunt you are. The irony is ever-increasing as you start to consider that his constituents vocally support “God and country”. Irony of ironies that the party of selfish cuntism is also the most spiritual. Except it isn’t ironic at all if you’re even remotely familiar with christianity. Christianity and Islam are the same type of bullshit lies while simultaneously being slightly different from one another, and yet the exact same kind of garbage. Fuck Christians, fuck muslims too, and especially fuck the GOP.