Quick and Dirty Mass Highlight for irssi
This is the defacto mass highlight I use to annoy the fuck out of people when on IRC with irssi. It’s good stuff. Modify it to say something incredibly offensive and use it yourself.
use strict;
use Irssi;
sub cmd_hilight {
my ($data, $server, $win) = @_;
my $channel = Irssi::active_win()->get_active_name();
my $foo = "\cBHey,\cB ";
foreach ($win->nicks())
next if ($_->{'nick'} eq $server->{nick});
$foo .= "\cB\c_$_->{'nick'}\cB\c_ ";
$server->command("MSG $channel $foo");
Irssi::command_bind('mh', 'cmd_hilight');