Holy fucking shit. I just overhauled the theme I use on this blog with a ton of overrides to make it compliant with Hugo v0.130, and now I’m getting a warning about YET ANOTHER deprecated setting. I really need to look at the Hugo roadmap to see if I can get ahead of this theme nonsense. It’s unreal, truly. I appreciate the performance gains I’ve noticed over time, but the constant smacking down of conventions that have worked well enough for as long as they have is getting pretty tiresome. Especially when so much of it feels really arbitrary.

Still though, I Feel that Hugo is the best static site generator I’ve used to date. It can crunch through generating this blog on what is essentially a potato running FreeBSD. That alone is pretty noteworthy. Still though, it’s wildly frustrating that a theme designer’s work is never done. Especially when he’s me, and I’m him. I’m trying to populate this blog with text, and I keep getting stifled by the static site generator I picked to do this job.

Maybe I need something simpler. I dunno. There’s no way Jekyll could handle this blog now, not at this size, I’m sure. Ruby is slower than bare metal.

I didn’t sleep for shit last night. The cough is still there. I’m at a loss on what to do. God. Damn.