In order to create a post you have to give it a title. I never have a title for new posts, I haven’t written them yet. So I pick a jumble of words to create my file with and then just move on to writing. Sometimes I stay within the topic, but mostly the title is not the topic. I dunno.

Weekdays are certainly not my favorite days. They’re really the worst days. They don’t start getting good until about 5pm, if I’m being honest with myself. Weekends are where it’s at. That’s the good stuff. Those days where people don’t ask anything of you. Where you can just laze about your house in pajamas for a contiguous 48 hour window and just enjoy yourself. That’s really where it’s at. How do I make every day of the week like that? Do I have to get reincarnated as offspring of a billionaire? I think that might be the only way to do that. I can’t just “start” midway through my life as a billionaire or offspring of one. I guess that explains that weird 80’s genre of people inheriting massive amounts of cash. People really do daydream about not having to sit through this mundane bullshit ever again. I know I do. Though inheritance is maybe not the most optimal route. I guess it’s better than a kick in the dick.

I think my 3D printer setup is about as optimal as it can get. I have a cover on it, a filament spool dryer, and a couple spools of PETG to mess around with. I have one spool of PLA to dick with, but that’s mostly just to make stuff for other people. PLA is alright I guess, I just prefer strength and high temperature resistance. Honestly? I absolutely want to print PEEK. I don’t have the ability to right now, but at some point I absolutely want to start printing PEEK. I know it’s expensive as hell. I don’t care so much. I don’t even have a need for it, or a valid reason. It’s just a difficult thing that’s expensive and requires more effort than any other material. Even glass impregnated nylon isn’t as crazy as PEEK.

Kinda want to get into laser sintering as well. Don’t judge me. I have a lot I want to do.