It’s almost a certainty that some academic will eventual post meta-analyses on a link between an uptick in upper respiratory infections and climate change. More heat, more pressure for plants to overproduce pollen, more problems for those sensitive to allergens. If it hasn’t already been published, just wait and watch. I contracted pneumonia for no good goddamn reason. I’m not even the only one.

I’ll be the first to admit I don’t know everything. I don’t even know half of everything. I would venture so far as to say I don’t know a quarter of everything. “Everything” as a concept is kind of heady considering it involves… well… Everything? It’s even meta, because meta is absolutely a part of everything. Does that make it ultra-meta? I don’t know. Add that to the list. In any case, I don’t know everything. I don’t know how scary climate change is, or if it’s even scary at all. I know there are natural sine waves to everything. Nearly any system has a pendulum or a heartbeat, an ebb and flow.

I think I’m going crazy from lack of sleep. This lung crap can stop now.