Yesterday marked the absolute most absurd incompetence ever displayed by the United States Secret Service that the country has ever witnessed. They absolutely screwed the pooch. They may as well have been a monkey fucking a football in the corner. This twenty something managed to crawl his ass up to a rooftop of a building that was occupied by useless donut-swallowers. Then this Reddit-obsessed soyboy proceeded to fail to hit a target no fewer than eight times despite spending a pretty penny on some serious kit. Charles Whitman is frowning from his grave. Thomas Crooks will have died for absolutely nothing, without contributing anything to humanity, and for absolutely no reason. What a waste. His mom should’ve swallowed him.

It’s crazy to me that this goon was shimmying along the roof unnoticed for nearly ten minutes, popped off a few rounds and killed three people, and then proceeded to be fully impregnated by “US Justice in copper/lead administered form”. Maybe it wasn’t for nothing. Maybe he died quickly. I guess that’s about all he could’ve really hoped for, the useless twat.

Now we get to watch Trump ascend, not be elected or selected, but literally ascend to his new throne. No one is stopping him, least of all Joe “Dementia” Biden. The Democrats really are just absolute fucking children at best. I have no idea how this party has survived this long being so useless. At least the GOP funnels wealth from the poor to the top 1%. I mean, it’s vile and awful, but IT IS AT LEAST SOMETHING, which the Democrats really can’t claim. Jesus. Fucking. Christ.