
I really don’t think people understand how things are going to play out now that we’re reaching and breaching the “Recession” portion of our downard spiral. It’s nearing “Depression”, and it might last a lot longer than four years, or even ten years. The last time this country entered a depression, it lasted ten years, and only rebound because FDR signed “The New Deal”. Social services to catch the fallen masses were put into effect to guarantee that during times of hardship, we would persist. I surmise that the next depression we’re due for can last no less than twenty years, being prolonged by the fact that we do have social services to catch people who are downtrodden. Until the New Deal had been signed and put into effect, we really had no idea what impact it would have on the long run. Being that it was large and important, we can safely assume the effect will be broad and far reaching. That said, this groundhog predicts a long line of bone-chilling winters for many US families. Quite a few, I believe, won’t live through the coming disaster. How the government react, however, could very well determine future economic catastrophies to come. I eagerly await their decision.