
I want to write about positive things in my life. I want to write about exciting things only days away. I want to write about all the good things, but honestly I’ve used writing as a coping mechanism for so long that I don’t think it’s possible for me to write down anything other than what’s currently troubling me at any given moment. It sucks, but it could be worse. At least I have a coping mechanism.


Man, kids say the darnedest things. Like, you can’t stop a kid from talking endlessly about virtually anything they encounter on a daily basis. I guess it’s not really anything to give a second thought to, but I guess it would give someone pause if they’re not doing what they’re supposed to be doing. I really need these four days off. Not gonna lie. Things feel like they’re ramping up really quickly and I haven’t even started the new role yet.

Time Off

I can’t wait for the four day weekend. I really need some time to de-stress and just relax a bit. Things have been pretty crazy lately. My wife and I, we’ve been pretty busy. It seems like we’re going to have to give ourselves a time out here shortly. I think the four day weekend will be a decent time out for me. Man, I really have fallen off on writing.


There should have been a video here but your browser does not seem to support it.


I don’t like when projects land in my lap that go through a full gamut of emotions in the span of one or two days. From elation to terror to absolute despair, then full circle once more for good measure, in forty-eight hours- This is less than optimal. It’s also incredibly telling that these people who are trying to tell me how difficult or easy my job of contributing will be have no real clue about what I’m bringing to the table.

ComfyUI With ControlNets

So the first thing you do is a git clone Then cd ComfyUI/custom_nodes. Then issue git clone Last thing to do, navigate to ComfyUI again and issue pip install -r requirements.txt. So I’m skipping some of the PyTorch stuff and that’s important and all, but this is just a real condensed summary that you’re going to have to fill the gaps of. Sorry. I might be too stoned to do a proper doc on it, but it’ll get you pointed in the right direction.

Ruby Franke

I do recommend everyone take a look at the Ruby Franke documentary on Hulu. It’s something I wrote about a while ago. It’s not surprising, the horrors uncovered. I hope Ruby Franke and Jodi Hildebrandt are ruined for the rest of their lives, if they don’t get to rot in a cell for the rest of their lives. These fucking Mormons are awful. Fuck them.


No one gets unlimited license to hurt your feelings and then tell you that you’re wrong for having them. Especially not when it’s blatantly obvious and is directly observed by many close people. I reserve the right to remove myself from those situations. No one should ever feel as though they have to continually subject themselves to that gaslighting bullshit. No one should ever have to constantly feel like they’re walking on eggshells, just waiting for the other shoe to drop yet again because you’re as predictable as a fucking clock.

Permanently Disable Nest Rush Hour Rewards Spam

This has been annoying me a shitload lately. I’ve been getting “Rush Hour Rewards” spam from my Nest thermostat, and I can find zero help anywhere officially from Google. It looks like it’s based on address, though, so Google “officially” recommends you simply ask to be “de-listed” from your local energy provider’s spam. This, to me, is a ridiculous solution that requires an equally ridiculous rebuttal. So here’s what we’re going to do:


My mother is a toxic person. She has always been a toxic person, and I have a suspicion I know where it started. Her father, my grandfather, was an alcoholic. He demanded obeisance from all his children, he was to be revered and worshipped without question, and my mom didn’t appreciate that. She told me that he was stubborn and demanded “people kiss his ass” and that was why they no longer spoke to one another.

Unwanted Sons

I’m sorry, this is going to be an emotional vent post. I have a lot going on right now and I need to let at least some of it out. First and foremost, my mother has utterly abandoned me as a person. When I asked her why, she gave me some stupid bullshit excuse about how our family “does right by exes; for the kids!” Except it’s a fucking lie, because my mom is toxic and awful.

Dog and Pony

I need to purge my entire life of Google. I sorely need this. The immediacy of this need is absurd. I really despise the entire economy surrounding the internet at large. It’s disgusting. At some point we’re going to come to a revelation that these “services” offered by data brokers are incredibly immoral and unethical. Someone’s going to die eventually. Just wait and see. All it’s going to take is one abusive husband who wants absolute control to buy information from a data broker in order to find the wife trying to run away from him.

The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar

SPOILER WARNING: Spoilers ahead! Close immediately if you haven’t seen the movie or read the book. I’ve never read the book before seeing Wes Anderson’s film adaptation. I want to go back and read it now, though. I feel a connection to the material that makes it feel as though I understand what Roald Dahl was trying to express. It feels as though he was desperately trying to express a wisdom he had learned in life that he thought was very important and worth sharing.


It seems like everyone has a set of ideals these days that they’ve dug themselves into like a tick. They’ve found a hole and burrowed deep into it, pushing everyone and everything out. Honestly, I don’t think “treat others as you’d like to be treated” is a bad hole to dig yourself into. In fact, I’d say that it’s the best hole to dig yourself into. Choosing that hole is choosing a hard road, but a righteous one.

Always Sunny

Holy shit, man. I’ve been watching “It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia” lately and it’s goddamned hilarious. I love it. It’s so fucked up and the plots are never predictable. They’re all over the place. One day the gang is smoking crack to try to get welfare, then they’re trying to sell a kilo of coke they found, and end up selling it for like five percent of its value. Holy shit this show is fucked up.

Mocked Mocking Mockery

On the front end not much has changed about this blog. On the back end I’ve made a few tweaks. More than a few tweaks. The heavy lifting is done by Hugo, Git, VSCode, Vim, and Make. I love learning new shit and implementing it to make things easier. It’s super goddamn useful, and honestly I’m loving writing Makefiles to do things automatically rather than bash scripts. It feels cleaner. It might not be any different other than feeling cleaner, but it’s also an extra thing to learn.


A Guide to Neopronouns First off, if you care to read that absolute trash just download NoScript and kill javascript on Easiest way to bypass their bullshit, since they blocked 12ft. Now, that article is garbage for many reasons, but one of the biggest is that it claims to be a guide to something without actually explaining anything. There is no actual information in that article, it doesn’t explain anything, it simply excuses stupidity at nearly every new paragraph.

Daily Blast 9/28

Amazon wants to charge a subscription fee for Alexa eventually This story totally makes sense to me. After all, who wouldn’t pay to have a third party feed the government their private lives on a regular basis? I mean, it sounds like an awesome way to cement 1984 as the defacto standard. Fucking morons. Don’t even get me started on how fucking stupid these systems are. You ask these things for the weather and you end up getting a fucking rotten tomatoes score for the movie “The Weather Man”.

Perfect Affordable Home Audio

Alright, I have the final puzzle piece in place with regards to my home theater setup. I really feel like this setup is the best setup for me. I love the shit out of this. So I’m going to run through the list. Here we go. Generic and not super important TV Schiit Vidar Schiit Freya Klipsch R-41M Apple TV 4K 128gb So here’s the thing: The Apple TV unit really honestly ties it all together like nothing else.


I don’t feel like I have a net positive impact on society. When I search my feelings and examine this notion I’ve arrived at, I don’t really see any contributions that end up being notable. I’ve done things that have amused me or that I’ve enjoyed, but I can’t really say I’ve done anything to meaningfully change anyone’s life. Not someone else’s, not my own, I’ve never really done anything substantial.

In Minecraft

Sometimes I’ll be doing something, usually driving, and I’ll sort of go on auto-pilot. My mind will drift away from a connection to what my body is doing and my body will sort of autonomously manage the slight nuances of the steering wheel and my feet will kind of automatically guide the acceleration of the car in a regular manner. It’s the wildest thing to be driving without even being mentally present.


Have you ever read about the cosmogony of the gnostics? It’s wild. It’s some of the wildest shit I’ve ever read, and humorously enough it’s about equally possible compared to the ordinary Judeo-Christian bullshit people readily lap up like so many thirsty bitches. They believe that the universe was created by a subordinate God, the Demiurge. He’s not the godhead, necessarily, but an agent of it. They also believe in reincarnation.


Bruh. For fucking real though. What a day. Just what a fucking goddamn day. It’s just goddamn crazy. But after tomorrow so much will be over. I’ll have wrapped up a number of projects and closed a couple orders. And it’s about fucking time. Like, seriously. I’ve been absolutely stretched thin on this shit. It feels like I haven’t relaxed in a while. I mean, goddamn. I don’t know. I just don’t know.

Armie Hammer is a Sad Little Manlet

Watching the last episode of this show, and the cannibal shit is fucked up. Armie Hammer is a psycho and wouldn’t be shit if he weren’t born into wealth. Hell, he was born into wealth and he still isn’t shit. He’ll never star in another movie in his life. So he has cannibal fantasies and he enjoys rape, got it. That’s pretty clear. Anyone think he’s going to try to sue the producers of “House of Hammer”?

Artificialis Populi

Man, watching this Armie Hammer shit is pretty telling. Armie Hammer seems to have some combination of sociopathy and narcissistic personality disorder. It’s wild. Work has been pretty demanding lately. It seems like the all-consuming and eternal Sisyphean shit-show that taints every molecule of my being with sadness and longing for a better world. Billionaires and the ultra-wealthy see us as cattle. We are not their peers as they would have us believe in media and propaganda that they spout.

New Car

Finally we’re back to having two working cars. We picked up a ‘24 Equinox for my lovely wife to wheel around town with and I’m driving her previous car. It’s just a relief to not be strained getting everywhere we need to go with one car or borrowing cars. I’m still mad at myself for fucking my car up. That shit sucked. It was a 2020 and it was paid off completely.